Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Happy Tuesday, everyone!  It's been a while since I've posted on my blog because I have really enjoyed using Bloomz!  If you haven't yet downloaded the Bloomz app, please consider doing so!  It's been so easy to post pictures and reminders.  It's like a private Instagram or Facebook! Just download the app then enter the access code for our class: P3YP3S. 

There is so much excitement going on at Whiteside right now!  Here are some reminders for you:

~Wednesday, October 17-- Early Dismissal 2PM. It is also hat day.  For $1 your child can wear a hat during school hours.  The money collected funds our Character Education Program.

~ Wednesday, October 17 is the spaghetti dinner in our school cafeteria.  If you haven't bought tickets yet, please consider doing so.  You can call the office 239-0000 ext. 2117 or 2114 for ticket information.

~ The book fair is going on this week.  We will visit the book fair during our library time on Thursday.  If your child would like to buy some books, please send money, in an envelope, marked with "Book Fair." The Book Fair will also be open during the Spaghetti Dinner!

~ This is Fire Safety week.  We have been discussing ways to stay safe and escape plans in case of a fire.  Please discuss fire safety at home and talk about your best escape routes, as well as a safe meeting place for your family OUTSIDE of your home (ex. the mailbox, a neighbor's driveway, etc.)  We had a visit from the East Side Fire Department today.  We had a practice fire drill, we visited the smoke trailer and practiced escaping, and we got to see a firetruck up close, as well as all of their equipment.  Look at Bloomz later today for some great pictures of your kids during our fire safety training!

~  Next week we have scheduled parent teacher conferences.  Please come only at your scheduled time.  I have no more openings on Tuesday and no more openings on Thursday evening.  A note was sent home with your child reminding you of the time you signed up for OR scheduling you for a time that I had available if you hadn't signed up at Open House.  If you have not returned that to school, please do so tomorrow. Thank you!

~ Tuesdays conferences are AFTER school.  School IS IN SESSION on Tuesday, October 23.

~Thursdays conferences are ALL DAY.  There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, October 25.

~There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 26.

~Our classroom Halloween party will be on Wednesday, October 31, from 1:30-2:30.  Thank you SO MUCH to Aiden's mom who volunteered to be in charge of our classroom parties.  A note is coming home today about the Halloween party.  If you would like to help, please contact Mrs. Kornegay.  Whiteside does NOT wear costumes to school on Halloween.  Please send your child in regular clothes that day.  However, we will be having a Hat Day that day for UNICEF, so if your child has a fun Halloween related hat, that would be welcome, of course!

~General reminders:  Please try to schedule doctor's appointments on days other than Fridays if you can help it.  This will keep your child from missing tests.  Thanks to those of you who have given me advance notice if your child is going to miss a Friday.  It enables me to give them their work and/or tests early instead of trying to catch them up after the fact.  Along those same lines, anytime that you have advance notice of your child missing school, please let me know so I can send work home ahead of time.  Please make every effort to get your child to school by 8:30.  We start our lessons right away and when they are late they have to make up their work later in the day.  It's just not a great feeling to start your day already behind! 

We use "XtraMath" to practice math facts on the Chromebooks every day.  CONGRATULATIONS TO AJANI AND DANIEL for demonstrating mastery of the addition table by answering all Beginning Addition Facts in under 3 seconds! 

CONGRATULATIONS TO OWEN AND ALIVIA for turning in EVERY homework assignment from the first quarter complete and on time!!!! 

CONGRATULATIONS  to the following students for having green, blue, or purple days the entire first quarter of school:
Alivia, Daniel, Rayla, Owen, Mylah, Semaj, Piper, Samiya

Have a great evening! 
Hugs & High Fives,
Ms. Bleich :) 

Friday, August 31, 2018


Happy Friday! 
No School on Monday-- Labor Day
Reading Logs are due on Tuesday (since no school on Monday).  Students should have read  and recorded 4 additional books since last Monday. 
Please download the Bloomz app (a note was sent home about it yesterday).  It's a great communication tool that I will be using this year.  I can also easily share photos of classroom activities! 

Your child came home with their first Spelling List.  Please start practicing the words with them.  They will have their first spelling test on Friday, September 7. 

On the flip side of the Spelling List is a page called "This Week at a Glance."  I will send one home every week to show you what skills we will be working on in Reading class.  If you're ever wondering what kinds of extra things you could be focusing on at home, this is a GREAT resource to refer to. 

Students will have their first reading test on Friday, September 7.  I will send home an example test so that you know what kinds of things they will be tested on.  On Tuesday, your child will bring home their reading book.  Each week we focus on one main story.  Any time your child brings home their book, please listen to them read their story for the week.  They will usually bring them home M-Thu evenings. 


Hugs and High Fives!
Ms. Bleich

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2018-19 School Year has started!

Hello friends! The 2018-19 school year is well under way!  If you subscribe to my blog and your child is no longer in first grade you probably won't be too interested in reading my updates.  LOL-- If that is the case, please "unsubscribe" in order to stop receiving notifications when I post something new.  Thank you so much for taking the time to subscribe, read my blog, and comment last year.  I truly appreciate it!  I miss my little lovies from last year so much!  I love seeing them in the hallway with their second grade teachers and I love their hugs and high fives! 

For new subscribers-- WELCOME!  I'm so excited to welcome you to this first grade community at Whiteside! 

I will post as often as I can.  I'm also starting to use a new app called Bloomz.  I will send you the information on that soon.  If we find that it is more user friendly than the blog, I will probably use that more than the blog. 


Reading Logs are due on Mondays.  Your child should read to you nightly.  (At least 15-20 minutes a night is suggested)  Please write the date and the book that your child read on their Reading Log.  They need to have at least 4 books recorded each week.  More than 4 is ALWAYS welcome and I sometimes reward them for doing extra.  I sent home a note regarding the Reading Log last week.  If you did not read it or lost it, please let me know and I can give you another copy. 

Please check your child's take home folder every night.  Papers that are on the left side may be left at home.  Papers that are on the right side usually require completion and should come right back to school.  Please check your child's behavior calendar each evening, as well.  Discuss your child's day with them.  If they received a yellow or red, I usually write a brief note on the back indicating what the trouble was. 

Please practice Kindergarten sight words with your child nightly as needed.  If your child can easily read the words without sounding them out then talk about the words and see if they can use them in sentences.  The current Reading Fluency homework is due on Friday, August 31.  (This is the list of K Sight words that I sent home last week.)  Please sign and return by Friday. 

No School-- Monday, September 3-- Labor Day
Early Dismissal-- Wednesday, September 19

Yesterday we had our first "Lunch Bunch" day.  When students fill up their behavior punch cards they get to "shop."  One of the things for sale in my classroom is a coupon to have lunch with a friend and the teacher.  Piper and Delvin invited Mylah and Aiden to join us.  We had a good time talking about first grade and what we like to do for fun!  

Thank you to Delvin's family for sending in extra snacks for friends who may have forgotten theirs.  Your generosity is appreciated!  

A message from PTC:
At the next PTC meeting which is September 4th, there will be a "Wish I Knew" time focused on Kindergarten and 1st grade where I will share things about kindergarten and 1st grade that may be helpful to K & 1st grade parents.  There will also be a time for parents to ask questions.  Besides myself, I am also going to contact a few other 2nd grade parents to offer their input and to answer questions.

Tuesday, Sept 4th @ 7:00 p.m. in the MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY

Kelly Remijan

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!  Have a great day!

Hugs & High Fives,
Ms. Bleich πŸ˜ƒ

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I just wanted to take the time to thank each of you for sharing your first grader with me.  It has truly been a pleasure to teach this class!  This year has been a great success.  There were many challenges, as well as triumphs.  There have been lots of smiles, laughter, and friendships made.  This has been one of the sweetest classes I have had in all of my years of teaching.  I am very proud to pass them on to second grade, but also sad to let them go!  Not only have the students been wonderful but you have been an AMAZING group of parents to work with.  I feel like we were all on the same “team” and we worked very well together.  As a whole, you have been one of the most supportive groups of parents I have ever worked with at Whiteside.  I hope that you can continue to have strong relationships with your child’s future teachers, as well.  It really does make a big difference and it sets such a positive example for your child!

I hope that you and your first grader (now second grader) have enjoyed this year as much as I have.  I feel truly blessed to have been part of your child’s academic career!  

Have a safe and exciting summer!!
Hugs and High Fives,
Ms. Bleich

Friday, May 18, 2018


One full week to go until summer!  Then of course there's the half day on the 29th! 

We have a lot of fun activities coming up but we are still hard at work in first grade!  I'm still continuing teaching all subjects trying to squeeze every last bit of learning in... otherwise they tend to get a little squirrely!  I am throwing in a lot of fun stuff too, so it's a nice balance! 

On Monday FREDBIRD is coming to visit us!!!!  Please have your kids wear their Cardinal Red!

Tuesday is our all day read in.  There are still plenty of slots left for any parents or grandparents who want to come in and read to the class!  Please send a small blanket or beach towel, three of your child's favorite books (with their name written inside), a FLASHLIGHT, and a healthy snack.  We plan on doing some flashlight reading for fun! 

Congratulations to Joelle, Maggie, Madison, and Salvador who made their AR Challenge goal this week!  Speaking of which... we have extended the last day to make AR goals and the challenge goal so that we can take AR quizzes on books we have read on our Read In day!  The last day to make your AR goal or Challenge goal will be Thursday, May 24!  We have a few who are a couple points away and I KNOW they can do it if they put in a little extra effort!  Unfortunately, I will not be sending any more of my books home, since it's so close to the end of the year.  So any books that they want to test on will have to be books from home or books read at school. 

Happy Birthday to Camdyn!  Thank you for the yummy cupcakes!  Madison also has a birthday this month, so happy birthday to her too!  I'm saying it now because with all of the craziness of the end of the year I don't want to forget! 

Our visit to Morningside yesterday was AWESOME!  The kids were SO well behaved and they sang beautifully!  All of the residents enjoyed their performance. I was so very proud of my little firsties.  I took a bunch of pictures and videos, which I will try to share soon.  Thank you to Maggie's parents who came to watch our performance!

Have a great weekend! 
Hugs & High Fives!
Ms. Bleich

Monday, May 14, 2018


Here are some end of the year updates and reminders:

Tues. May 15-- Morningside permission form due

Wed. May 16-- Early dismissal 2pm/ Hat Day $1

Thurs. May 17-- Ms. Bleich's class sings at Morningside Assisted Living (Parents who wish to watch our performance may meet us there at 1:25.  We do not have room for parents to ride the bus.)

Fri. May 18-- Last Spelling Test.  Last Reading Test (high frequency words only)

Tues. May 22-- First Grade All Day "Read In"- a note will come home with details.  If any parents are interested in being guest readers that day please send me an email and let me know! 

Thurs. May 24-- End of Year Assembly 9-11am to kick off next year's character theme "Lights, Camera, Character"/ Carnival Day 11:00-12:30 (first grade's time)/ Lunch at 12:30.  Any parents are welcome to join us on this day.  If you plan on purchasing a school lunch, please fill out the form sent home today and send it back with payment by 5-18-18.  We will be outside that day from 9:00 am-1:00 pm.  Please dress your child accordingly for the weather and please put sunscreen on your child that morning! 

Mon. May 28-- NO SCHOOL-- Memorial Day

Tues. May 29-- Last day of school!  8:30am-12:00pm (no lunch served that day)

Congratulations to the following students who have made the AR Challenge goal of 12 points with 80% or above average:
Cody, Khloe, Taylor, Kaeden

Congratulations to the following students who have made their personal AR Goal:
Cody, Cassanje, Taylor, Salvador, Kaeden, Madison, Khloe, Noah, Joelle, Maggie, Camdyn, Elisha, Ellie, Maliya

Maggie and Kaeden both bought Show and Tell coupons from our classroom store and brought in their pets from home to show us and tell us all about them!  Thank you to their moms for making special trips up to school to bring their animals.

I can't believe this school year is almost over.  I am excited for summer, but so sad to let this group go! 
Hugs & High Fives,
Ms. Bleich 😎

Friday, April 27, 2018


Yay for Spring!  It's finally here!  There is something about this weather that just seems to put everyone in a brighter mood-- especially first graders! 

It is so unreal that we are finishing up April!  This year has flown by for me.  That phrase, "time flies when you're having fun" rings true!    I love, love, love this class so much!  I tell them all the time that I'm so sad to pass them on to second grade because I don't want them to leave me.  No worries though, parents... I will pass them on!  ha ha

The lovely weather brings about lots of opportunities to take our learning outdoors.  After completing our Earth Day unit we took a quiet, peaceful, nature walk around the school grounds and wrote down our observations.  We also planted peas in our Whiteside Garden.  Today we practiced writing spelling and blending words outside with sidewalk chalk.  After that we read our story and took our spelling test outside.  Everyone seemed to love the opportunity to enjoy the weather while learning.  Since they did such a good job, we will be able to do it again sometime. 

Congratulations to Cody who made his AR Challenge Goal!  We have a few students who are not far behind him!  I have a feeling we will have some more make it next week. 

Congratulations to the following students for making their personal AR Goals:
Cody, Cassanje, Taylor, Salvador, Kaeden, Madison, Khloe, Noah, Joelle, Maggie, Camdyn
Great job my little reading machines! 

Our Math test over Chapter 8, Time and Measurement, will be on Tuesday, May 1.  We will review on Monday.  Please take some extra time to review the math vocabulary words with your child, as there are quiet a few in this chapter.   
o'clock, analog clock, digital clock, minute hand, hour hand, half hour, hour, minute, unit, length, measure, long, short

Next week's spelling words are base words with -ed or -ing endings.  Please spend some extra time practicing.  It can be confusing for some when you have to double the middle consonant before you add the word ending.  New lists were placed in take home folders today, in case you want to get a head start on practicing. 

We are getting very low on tissues.  We only have two boxes left to last us until the end of the school year.  If you would like to donate a box, our noses would be so grateful!  Thank you!

If anyone is interested in coming in to be a guest reader during story time, please let me know.  Story time is after lunch recess from 12:13-12:25.  I can provide a book for you to read or you can bring one of your favorites.  Please email me and we can set up a day for you to stop by. 

Have a great weekend! 
Hugs & High Fives!
Ms. Bleich ✌

Friday, March 9, 2018


Hello, and happy Friday!  I cannot believe we just finished the third grading period of 1st grade!!!!  The 4th and final grading period starts on Monday.  I am so proud of all of these kiddos for everything they have learned so far this year. 

Just a reminder that this weekend is daylight savings time!  We will "spring" forward an hour on Saturday night.

A huge thank you goes out to all of the parents who chaperoned our field trip to the Magic House and McDonald's.  It was a great day and the kids had so much fun!  Thank you Mr. Walker, Mr. Finley, Mrs. K. Finley, and Mrs. Winans.  We hope you had as much fun as we did! 

Congratulations to the following students who earned their AR goal this grading period:

Congratulations to the following students who earned the AR challenge goal of 9 points this grading period:

I would like to recognize Cody for his OUTSTANDING efforts in Accelerated Reading.  He had the most amount of point this quarter, as well as the highest percentage of everyone in the class.  He had a total of 23.8 points with an average score of 96.9%   Keep it up, Cody, and keep setting a great example for your classmates!  We are so proud of you! 

Congratulations to Joelle and her family on the birth of their new baby girl last week! πŸŽ€

Next week will be our last lesson in Unit 4 of Reading.  The week following that we will test over all the skills taught in Lessons 15-20. 

Please continue to have your child practice their sight words as often as possible.  Also, please continue to listen to your child read for at least 15-20 minutes a night.  This will make such a HUGE difference in their academic successes.  I PROMISE you!  When your child brings home any math papers with mistakes on them, please help them to correct their mistakes so they can see how they went wrong, with the hopes of getting it right the next time.  We do this often in class, but unfortunately we don't always have time for it on every activity.

Have a wonderful weekend!  Hugs and High Fives! 
Ms. Bleich 😊 

Friday, February 2, 2018


Hello First Grade Friends and Families!  Hopefully the groundhog was wrong and we will not have 6 more weeks of winter!  I'm over this weather and our kiddos are ready to get out and run around in the sunshine!  Fingers Crossed! 

Here are a few updates: 

We will be testing over Reading Unit 3 on Monday, Feb. 5.  This is a collaboration of all the skills we focused on in Unit 3. 

Tuesday, Feb. 6 is our 100th Day of school!!  We will do some fun 100 day activities that day. 

Spring Pictures are Friday, Feb 9. Even if you don't plan to order pictures, we will have a class photo taken, so send them with their best smiles!  I hang each year's class photo on the wall of my classroom and everyone who comes in the room loves looking at our wall of past Whiteside first graders! (Some of whom are Seniors in High School now!  Yikes!) 

Next week, Valentine's Day is February 14 and we have early dismissal at 2 pm.  Our Valentine's Day party will be from 1:00-1:45.  Parents are welcome!  Contact Mrs. Walker if you would like to help! 

We have no school on Friday, February 16 or Monday, February 19. 

Due to the extra activities and short week next week, we will do Reading Lesson 16 both this week and next.  So our next Reading and Spelling tests will be on Thursday, February 15.  Look for the Week at a Glance sheet as well as the Spelling List in your child's folder on Monday.  Our new spelling words are: so, go, home, hole, no, rope, joke, bone, stove, poke, chose (yes, there are 10 words now, instead of 8).  We are getting SO MUCH SMARTER!  :) 

Congratulations to the following students for earning their AR goal already for the 3rd Quarter:
Kaeden, Khloe, Noah, Cody, Madison
Keep up the great work my little readers!!!! 

If you have already returned your child's note about parent teacher conferences, THANK YOU!  If not, could you please return it on Monday so I can finalize my schedule?  Thanks so much! 

Have a great weekend! 
Hugs and High Fives,
Ms. Bleich😊