Friday, February 2, 2018


Hello First Grade Friends and Families!  Hopefully the groundhog was wrong and we will not have 6 more weeks of winter!  I'm over this weather and our kiddos are ready to get out and run around in the sunshine!  Fingers Crossed! 

Here are a few updates: 

We will be testing over Reading Unit 3 on Monday, Feb. 5.  This is a collaboration of all the skills we focused on in Unit 3. 

Tuesday, Feb. 6 is our 100th Day of school!!  We will do some fun 100 day activities that day. 

Spring Pictures are Friday, Feb 9. Even if you don't plan to order pictures, we will have a class photo taken, so send them with their best smiles!  I hang each year's class photo on the wall of my classroom and everyone who comes in the room loves looking at our wall of past Whiteside first graders! (Some of whom are Seniors in High School now!  Yikes!) 

Next week, Valentine's Day is February 14 and we have early dismissal at 2 pm.  Our Valentine's Day party will be from 1:00-1:45.  Parents are welcome!  Contact Mrs. Walker if you would like to help! 

We have no school on Friday, February 16 or Monday, February 19. 

Due to the extra activities and short week next week, we will do Reading Lesson 16 both this week and next.  So our next Reading and Spelling tests will be on Thursday, February 15.  Look for the Week at a Glance sheet as well as the Spelling List in your child's folder on Monday.  Our new spelling words are: so, go, home, hole, no, rope, joke, bone, stove, poke, chose (yes, there are 10 words now, instead of 8).  We are getting SO MUCH SMARTER!  :) 

Congratulations to the following students for earning their AR goal already for the 3rd Quarter:
Kaeden, Khloe, Noah, Cody, Madison
Keep up the great work my little readers!!!! 

If you have already returned your child's note about parent teacher conferences, THANK YOU!  If not, could you please return it on Monday so I can finalize my schedule?  Thanks so much! 

Have a great weekend! 
Hugs and High Fives,
Ms. Bleich😊