Wednesday, August 30, 2017

STEM pictures

Every Monday we do a STEM activity in my classroom.  STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  Students are given materials and assigned a task with very simple instructions.  This week we built a structure out of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti noodles.    The challenge was to see who could build the tallest structure.                                                        Here are some pictures from our STEM activity on August 28.              

Monday, August 28, 2017

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school first grade friends and families!  I am so excited to be teaching this little group of darlings this year.  Our first week of school is officially under our belts and everyone is catching on to the routine of being back in the classroom.

I am so happy to welcome our new friends: Cassanje, Madison, and Elisha.  They are new to Whiteside this year and we welcome them with open arms!

The beginning of the year can feel a little overwhelming for both students and parents.  I will try my best to send explanations of procedures when it's necessary.  This will either come home in a note in your child's folder, I will put out a message on Skyward, or I will post in on my blog.  (Sometimes I will do all three.)  For example, I sent home a note last week explaining the Reading Log in your child's folder.  If you missed that note, please let me know and I'll try to send you another copy.  For those who may have missed it, Reading Logs are due on Mondays.  Your child should have read at least 4 books to you throughout the course of the week and they should be recorded on your child's reading log.  This log should stay in your child's folder at all times so that it doesn't get lost.

If you haven't already, take some time to check out the sheet protectors in your first grader's folder. They hold really important information and that information will change sometimes.  A spelling list will come home this week in the "Spelling List" sheet protector, so be on the lookout for that.  Our first spelling test will be on Friday, September 8.

It is SO IMPORTANT that you check your child's folder every night.  If they have followed directions, they will have placed papers that can be "left" at home in the left side pocket.  The papers that need to come "right" back to school will be in the right side pocket.

Specials this week:
Monday- PE
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Library
Friday- Computer

Specials next week will be pushed back a day since we do not have school on Monday.
Tuesday, Sept. 5- PE
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Music
Friday- Library
Monday, Sept. 11- Computer, etc.

NO SCHOOL-- Monday, September 4-- Labor Day

Star Wars Character shirt orders are due on August 31.
If you haven't sent in your $10 for classroom parties, please do so this week.  It's a one time fee and it covers the cost of all of our parties this year.  

Congratulations to the following students for earning a STAR STUDENT award during our first week of school.  Camdyn, Ellie, Cassanje, Maliya
Star student awards are given to students in recognition for extra good behavior, making good choices, going above and beyond for a friend, etc.  It was so exciting to already give out 4 in the first week!

Happy Birthday to Cody, Kaeden, and Salvador who all celebrated a birthday this month.

I'm going to post some pictures from the solar eclipse, the ice cream social, and our STEM Monday project today.  I try to post pictures often, but my phone and my computer are not getting along right now so I will have to try again later tonight or tomorrow.

Hugs and High Fives!
Ms. Bleich