Friday, September 29, 2017


Hello First Grade Friends and Families!
I can't believe September is already at it's end!  I'm ready for some fall weather!

Our class has been doing such a great job.  This is a great group of kiddos and I feel so LUCKY to be their teacher.  We receive compliments all the time about how well behaved we are in the hallway.  It makes my heart swell with pride.  I've told our class several times that they might be the best hallway walkers I've ever had in my 16 years of teaching.

Happy Birthday to Maggie this week!  Thank you for sharing the yummy "school safe" cupcakes with us!  For those of you who don't know about these, they're peanut free, flour free, and I believe dairy free so they're totally safe to serve at school. (I didn't pay close enough attention but they might even be gluten free.)  I ate one and they tasted pretty good considering all the stuff they don't have in them!  😋 You can find them at Schnucks, Dierbergs, and I think I've seen them at Shop 'N Save, too. Thanks so much to Maggie and her parents for sharing treats with us and for making sure they were safe for all to share!

I was SO HAPPY with the results of our first math test this week!  I was very proud of the hard work that my Firsties put into our first chapter.  We have 19 students in our class and we had 15 A's!!!!!  WOW!!!!!  Let's keep it up for Chapter 2!!!!

Reading test scores are getting better as we are getting used to taking them.  If you're wondering what you can do to help your child with reading at home here are some suggestions:
*Read with them every night (then record the books on the reading log in their folder)
*Ask your child questions about what they read
*Ask them to retell the story in their own words
*Review High Frequency Words often
*Practice Spelling Words often
*Point out Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives in stories
*Talk about multiple meaning words and how they can be used (ex. bat-- an animal that flies, sports equipment used to hit a ball in a baseball game)
*Talk about Antonyms (opposites) and Synonyms (words that have similar meanings) when you see them in print
*Review letter names and sounds
*Review worksheets and workbook pages that come home. Discuss mistakes with them
*Pay close attention to the "Week at a Glance" sheet in their take home folder.  This has all the skills listed that we will work on that week in Reading

Thank you so much to all of the families who took the time to do the Sight Word Speed Drill with their first grader this past week.  I really enjoyed looking at their times and how they improved throughout the week!  This is AWESOME!  Shout out to Landen and his family for getting their whole crew involved.  They had both his sister and mom participate in the speed read as well and they recorded their times, too.  What a great way to make reading FUN for the WHOLE FAMILY!

Next week we have parent teacher conferences scheduled after school on Tuesday, October 3 and all day Thursday, October 5.  Please let me know if something happens and you cannot make your scheduled conference time.  I didn't receive all of the conference confirmation notes back so if you are unaware of what time you are scheduled please let me know and I can send home another note.  You can also call the office and they will have a copy of my conference schedule by Monday.

NO SCHOOL-- Thursday, October 5- Parent teacher conferences
                           Friday, October 6- Teacher Conference Day
                           Monday, October 9- Columbus Day

Due to the short weeks coming up we will stretch out Lesson 5 in reading over the course of the next two weeks.  Therefore, our reading test and spelling test on Lesson 5 will be on Friday, October 13.

Specials Schedule:
10/2 Computer
10/3 PE
10/4 Art
10/10 Music
10/11 Library
10/12 Computer
10/13 PE

A note came home yesterday regarding body safety presentations which will take place on October 12.  You only need to send the note back if you do not wish for your child to take part in the presentation.

That's enough info for your brains on this lovely Friday evening!  Have a WONDERFUL weekend!  Enjoy your family time!

Hugs and High Fives,
Ms. Bleich

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