Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Just a few things...

Wow!  What an exciting time of year!  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly things get so busy!

I will send home a reminder note about parent teacher conferences tomorrow to remind you of the time you signed up for.  If you didn't sign up at Open House I will give you some options for some times that are available.


Congratulations to Dean who got to move up to level four of our Math Mad Minutes Addition Club!  Keep practicing those math facts at home everyone!

There is MATH HOMEWORK in your child's take home folder tonight.  Please have them complete the worksheet, check it, and help them correct any mistakes.  Have them put it back in the right side of their take home folder and bring it to school to turn in tomorrow.

Parents/ Guardians, please remember to check take-home-folders every night.  Check your child's behavior chart.  Check the right side for papers that need to be returned to school.  Check papers on the left side and leave them at home.

Spelling Test Friday: mom, pot, stop, not, nod, hops, hot, on, no, with
Bonus: September, Monday

Keep working on the assignments in the Reading Homework Journal (RHWJ-- yellow composition notebook).  All of those should be completed and signed by Thursday.

Please remember to listen to your child read every night!  This will make a HUGE difference in their education.  Log any books you read together on the Reading Log in your child's folder.  They are supposed to have at least 4 entries a week and those are due on Mondays.

If you're looking for a way to practice spelling words and enjoy this beautiful weather at the same time, pick up some sidewalk chalk from the dollar store and have your child write their spelling words on the sidewalk!  This works for math facts, as well!  So much fun!

Thanks to those of you who volunteered to send in apples.  If you're still interested there is still time.  Just let me know and I will let you know what kind we need!

Hugs and High Fives!
Ms. Bleich

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